IIHF U-18 World Championship Quarterfinal Preview

The genuine tomfoolery is going to start at the U-18 World Hockey Championship. Tony Ferrari takes you through the four quarterfinal matchups. This is the point at which the U-18 World Championship at long last beginnings getting genuine.

The American squad was predominant beginning to end, exhibiting precisely why they were the top picks coming into the competition. Czechia ended up in runner up in Group Many as solid execution in the cooperative effort. The reigning champs, Canada, have looked insecure in every one of the three of their games and could possibly be ready for an early exit. Germany was in an intense gathering, yet gave a few promising indications, regardless of nearly an unfortunate objective differential.

The Swedes bounced back from a misfortune on first day of the season to Latvia to win Group B while Finland looked rather reliable. Switzerland bettered Latvia in its last round of the cooperative effort to keep away from a date with the Americans in the quarters. In spite of the fact that Latvia completed at the lower part of Group B, its success over the gathering’s top group could make them a scrappy out.

How about we investigate every quarterfinal matchup and what’s in store:


This is Thursday’s opener, and it very well may the most interest. Canada disappointed in every one of their games yet they in all actuality do have the most skilled player in the competition in Connor Bedard. He drives the group with five places, featured by his total takeover of the third time frame in the game against Germany with a full go-around. Adam Fantilli has been one of the most mind-blowing hostile makers in the competition, yet he’s been snakebitten a piece. In the event that he can begin to observe the rear of the net a smidgen more, Canada could be an issue.


The Czech crew was the darkhorse group coming into the U-18s and they showed why as they completed second in Group A gratitude to a grasp prevail upon Canada. Driven by 2022 NHL draft champion Jiří Kulich and 2023 draft-qualified Eduard Šalé, the Czechs were cutthroat in each game they played. Kulich has been an objective scoring machine, using his speed and shot to produce offense every step of the way. Šalé has been a super charged hostile maker and leads the competition in helps.


The Swedes opened their competition with a stinker against Latvia yet have appeared to bounce back pleasantly from that frustrating exhibition. The 2022 NHL draft-qualified Djurgårdens threesome of Noah Östlund, Jonathan Lekkerimäki, and Liam Öhgren have been awesome and amon the groups top-scorers. Östlund specifically has looked reliably perilous, utilizing his speed and expertise to put restricting safeguards behind them. Defenseman Mattias Hävelid looked extraordinary against Finland at the two closures of the ice and added two objectives to assist with getting the success. With others, for example, Calle Odelius and Isac Born looking magnificent on occasion however not having made a lot of progress on the scoresheet, it seems like the Swedes actually have more to give.


The Americans came into this competition with something to demonstrate after somewhat of a frustrating outcome last year, losing in the quarterfinals. The current year’s crew has seen scoring come from all over the setup. Isaac Howard drives the group in scoring with six focuses on account of a four-objective opening game against Canada however Logan Cooley and Cruz Lucius are one point back and they have six different players with somewhere around four focuses through three games. They are really a machine.

This one ought to be the simplest to foresee of any of the quarterfinal matchups, as the Americans are possible previously focusing on who their elimination round matchup could be. The U.S. crew’s littlest edge of triumph was a four-objective win over Czechia. They lead the competition far beyond anyone’s expectations with 24 objectives for up to this point. So, Latvia amazed once at this competition as of now. Might there be another? Likely not.
